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Sacred Soul Courses

Browse my selection of self-paced self-empowering courses, or check out the menu of live coaching and healing programs. . . all designed to help you expand your inner worth for greater outer wealth goals in business and in your life.  

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Self Paced Self Discovery
Sacred Self Care Set

Give yourself the self-love and care that you need and deserve so you can achieve your highest potential, rise up and offer your client incredible, unforgettable service that will keep them coming back again and again.

Self Paced Self Discovery
Soul Self Empowerment Set

Discover and connect with the most authentic part of yourself.  Let go of unconscious masks that prevent you from 100% Soul Aligned Empowerment 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Soul Self Empowerment Set

Discover and connect with the most authentic part of yourself.  Let go of unconscious masks that prevent you from 100% Soul Aligned Empowerment 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Activate Your Soul's Money Making Genius Set

Access your divinely given power to influence yourself and others, let go of subconscious conflicts in the way of your plans for profi  fuel your vision board with pure soulight passion. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Future Successful Self Set!

Meet your empowered and prosperous future successful self and create the shifts that lead to the abundance you became an entrepreneur for. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Forgiveness For Business Breakthroughs Set

Stop never ending patterns of resistance  within yourself and between others  that distract and derail you from reaching the true abundance of your soul felt dreams and goals.  

Self Paced Self Discovery
Power Archetype Integration Set

Awaken the relationship with your subconscious power archetypes and watch the effectiveness of your behaviors become in sync with your plans for profit and impact. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Divine Feminine Power Set

Balance the hustle and push of your divine masculine nature with a fresh influx of divine feminine to ignite your passion and self worth with full divine empowerment as designed by your soul. 

Live Coaching & Healing Programs
Live Coaching & Healing Programs

Create transformational results and soul aligned manifestations in your life and business with the amplified power of live coaching and healing programs.  

Self Paced Self Discovery

This masterclass describes the 5 subconscious resistances that prevent us from reaching our goals. You can also watch a live healing session that takes an audience participant through one of my self healing guided meditations that helped her resolve a pesky inner conflict by using the 5 resistances to change. Watch to the end so you can experience first hand what it's like and the results she experienced.

Self Paced Self Discovery
Thrive Beyond Toxic Relationships

Your audience will leave with a deeper understanding of what makes people tick, and how to manage difficult, distant or toxic relationships in very high level, kind, loving and respectful ways that bring families together AND up-level, teamwork, productivity and mutually beneficial outcomes

Self Paced Self Discovery

You can affirm the right mindset for successful sales, leadership, confidence, worthiness & deservingness all day everyday, but if you don't BELIEVE in yourself your dreams, goals and the effort you put into them will fall flat. 

Learn the life-changing strategy that most coaches and healers aren't aware of so you can stop spinning your wheels, trying so hard of thinking maybe you were never meant to have what you want come true. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Stop Self Sabotage And Thrive!

Self sabotage is the #1 reason people don't step into their greatness and flourish. 

In this powerful talk, your audience will discover the TRUE purpose of self sabotage and a 3 step method they can use to stop shooting themselves in the foot and confidently step beyond unconscious limits. 

This life changing keynote speech leaves your audience inspired with a proven spiritual strategy to jumpstart them on a new and up-leveled trajectory towards their highest dreams and goals. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Power Up Your Manifesting Mojo

Did you know that you have a manifesting channel AND a liberating channel connected by the consciousness of your chakra system? 

Learn the energetic anatomy of manifesting and what it takes to "Power It Up" so you can create your goals and desires with clarity, confidence and certainty. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
From Anger to Self Empowerment

Your audience will learn how to channel anger from unfair situations into fuel for focused positive change.   They will find out how to establish self respecting boundaries, put themselves in the drivers seat and create mutually beneficial outcomes, even for the most gentle souls who dislike confrontation. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
The Soul Aligned Mindset Makeover

Perfect for business coaching and leadership retreats, This 3 hour workshop walks participants thru simple mindset makeover exercises that effectively  uplevel beliefs and emotions to match one big  business or lifestyle goal. 

- Guided Meditation to Open Your Chakra Consciousness

- Soul Aligned Affirmations to Trigger the LOA in your Favor
- Destiny Driven Desire Statement for Belief System Upleveling

- Energy Healing to Integrate Your New Mindset Into Your Nervous System. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
From Strain To Strength: Unlock Personal Power & Thrive

Are you aware that you can dramatically expand the impact your business makes and up-level your lifestyle simply by forgiving unforgivable acts that you have done to others, or others have done to you?

In this powerful talk, Grace Mosgeller shares her story of soul crippling childhood traumas and how finding forgiveness and moving on is the key to the promised land of true happiness, wealth and abundance. 

This talk is for strong women who are successful in their businesses, but are constantly "on the go" and not happy with their home life. 

Learning Points: 

  • How anger can be channeled into empowerment
  • The good news about emotional "triggers" 
  • How to manifest more love, abundance and cooperation

This keynote speech leaves your audience tapped into the best "work smarter, not harder" personal power strategy they already have within them, just waiting to be unleashed.

Self Paced Self Discovery
Opening to Abundance

This journey assists you to confront obstacles related to financial abundance, whether its long held beliefs about scarcity, feelings of undeservingness or judgments about money and wealth.  Perfect for those who desire upleveled prosperity, and abundance.  This 9D breathwork experience offers a chance to unearth and engage with your inherent ability to attract wealth, dissolve money blocks, and from a more empowering, positive realtionship with your financial self. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Letting Go of Stress & Anxiety

This journey is meticulously crafted to guide you towards serene tranquility, so you can navigate through the rough waters of anxiety, and liberate yourself from the tight grip of day to day tensions.  During this profound personal retreat you'll shed the weight of accumulated stress, making way for mental clarity, peaceful repose and rejuvenated balance.  Embrace quietude and enhance your life with a renewed sense of peace and boundless tranquility. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Healing Ancestral Lines

Break free from intergenerational trauma, the root cause of human suffering.  Sever the chains of these struggles and halt the cycle of trauma.  Unresovled generational trauma manifests as chronic anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, and disconnection.  Experience profound healing, and resilience as you release these burdens. Rewrite your narrative, restore harmony within and uplevel your lineage line with a new legacy of empowerment and pave the way for a brighter future. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Overcoming the 5 Primary Traumas

This immersive exploration is dedicated to resolving the imprints of our childhood experiences.  This deep dive addresses the profound wounds of premature separation form love, rejection, abandonment, shaming and lace of presence.   These imprints, carried into adulthood silently shape our adult lives, revealing themselves through various challenges: victim mentality, trust and intimacy issues, codependency, relationship struggles, emotional dysregulation, anxiety, depresion and more. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Reconnecting With Your Inner Child

This journey is for those who are looking to reconnect the fragmented parts of themselves by rewriting the narrative of their own self abandonment. 

This journey is NOT for the faint of heart ad you will be gently encouraged to look at the parts of yourself that you may of abandoned in the basement of your shadows.  

Come out on the other side feeling a deeper, more unconditionally loving and accepting love for yourself and an upgraded self image. 

Self Paced Self Discovery
Transcending Fear

If you are looking to face life's challenges with new found courage, this journey is for you. 

Confront and overcome profound anxiety, and fear as you redefine your relationship with the shadows of uncertainty, and allow fear to be the gateway to the life you've always envisioned. 

Let the hypnotic state facilitate a seismic shift surrounding fear and rewire neural pathways to grant a renewed perspective on harnessing fear as a catalyst for unparalleled growth and expansion.  

9D Breathwork Layers
Subliminal Hypnotic Therapy

Rooted in the core principles of hypnosis, this layer involves evoking emotions and delivering suggestions while individuals are in a highly suggestible state. It serves diverse purposes, including personal growth, health improvement, and healing, by reframing emotions and perspectives on life’s challenges.

9D Breathwork Layers
Somatic Breathwork

Serving as the foundational technique, somatic Breathwork empowers individuals to release accumulated traumas and trapped emotions, fostering deep healing. In the 9D experience, somatic Breathwork is elevated to new heights, enhancing its transformative potential

9D Breathwork Layers
9D Multidimensional Sound Experience

In this layer, sound traverses both channels, creating an immersive space where sound is heard from various directions. This expansive soundscape transports you to a larger inner world, facilitating heightened awareness and making you forget your physical surroundings.

9D Breathwork Layers
Isochronic Brain Wave Tones

Isochronic tones consist of a single frequency that pulsates or beats at a rapid rate, influencing the brain in specific ways to enhance the overall experience.

9D Breathwork Layers
Guided Vocal Coaching

This layer offers the equivalent of a high-value therapy session, incorporating a blend of traditional coaching techniques, reframing exercises, and challenges to our limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging tendencies. It serves as a powerful component of the 9D journey.

Self Paced Self Discovery
BioAcoustic Sound Effects

BioAcoustics means “life sounds”. Low-frequency sounds that when presented to individuals, trigger specific biological and emotional responses, contributing to profound therapeutic effects on overall health and well-being.

9D Breathwork Layers
Binaural Beats

Binaural beats, produced by blending different frequencies, promote harmony between the brain’s two hemispheres. A variety of these combinations are carefully designed to support the energetic arc of the 9D experience.

9D Breathwork Layers
Solfeggio Frequencies

A set of frequencies that have been scientifically demonstrated to harmonize the body’s energy systems. Each frequency corresponds to a distinct intention for activating the body. For example, 396Hz is associated with liberation and emotional release, specifically targeting fear and guilt.

9D Breathwork Layers

Music tuned to 432Hz, as opposed to the more common 440Hz, is deeply harmonious with the human body and is often referred to as the “healing frequency.”

About Grace Mosgeller

Spiritual Mindset Coach, Energy Healer & 9D Breathwork Facilitator

Grace guides people to unleash their personal power, achieve major goals, and transform lives into greater happiness, and prosperity through innovative Life Mastery & Mindset techniques like 9D Breathwork, Inner Child Healing, Theta State Subconscious Reprogramming, and Energy Healing.

Specializing in empowering strong independent women, she offers a path to unleash your full potential and change the trajectory of your future, with business, relationships, financial abundance, and sacred self-care. 

"I found the more I sought to understand and heal the relationship with my difficult adult child, my distant mom, and toxic, narcissistic father, I up-leveled my sense of self-respect, and self-esteem, and became happier and more empowered to expand my business and uplevel my lifestyle."

"Not only did I bring my family closer together, my adult children upgraded their happiness and success factor too."

Schedule a spiritual goal-setting call with me today if you are ready to unleash your power and step into your greatness.



Grace@gracemosgeller.com.        303-903-4936

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