The Intention Setting Journey

Weekly Somatic Breathwork & Sound Healing

Reprogram Subconscious Beliefs
Accelerate Personal Power To Support Your Goals 

This Subconscious Intention Setting Practice Will Help You:

Stand Confidently in Your Own Light & Embrace Confidence, Fearless Passion & Influence

Unlock Clarity, Focus and Fuel Productivity. 

Liberate Yourself From Old Habits, Procrastination, Deep Fears and Distractions

JOIN US weekly to  experience this powerful mindset  practice privately in your home via zoom. 

Join the Next Subconscious 

Reprograming Journey

They Are FREE!

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Clarity. Focus. Results. 

Begin each week with a Mindset Makeover!

Join us to align your subconscious mindset to support the fulfillment of your goals with clarity, focus & ease.

This revolutionary 9D Breathwork & Sound Healing Journey is designed to help you release limiting mindset patterns and install new soul aligned beliefs that transform the landscape of your subconscious mind and reprogram your mindset for a brighter, more fulfilling future. 


Replacing stubborn resistances like procrastination, overwhelm, and distractions with authentic motivation, clarity, and focus.

Stopping fighting inner battles and willing yourself to blast past unreasonable fears.

Enjoying guilt-free, resistance-free results and stepping beyond comfort zone with fearless confidence and passion   

Empowering beyond limitations and upgrading your relationships with love, money, and power. 

Happy Stories from Happy Clients

Grace Mosgeller

Mindset Coach & Energy Healer

The day after my first subconscious intention journey I noticed a lightness and new sense of positivity I've never felt before.

4 Journey's in I started to notice big opportunities coming to me and I can feel my internal light fueling my motivation. I no longer feel I have to "push" beyond my comfort zones.   I'm pleasantly surprised about how much resistance I was facing is gone.  

Jody Last

Surrender Coach 

My first subconscious intention journey  was a lot different than the previous somatic breathwork journeys that Grace facilitates. 

Instead of deep focused mouth breathing into my body and using a primal "scream" to let the feelings of old traumas go ... which Is AWESOME!, this journey was beautiful, relaxing and took me deep, very deep into my my subconscious.  I planted the intention that my spiritual purpose is more powerful than my fears.   I feel a new motivation to complete tasks that I was avoiding before.   I'm excited to make this a weekly habit. 

Alice Owen

Grief Coach

I've been going on Grace's somatic breathwork journeys to help me lift past life and ancestral lineage lines of family grief that was DNA-like passed down to me.  I rather like the build up of emotion and releasing it all with a scream.

This subconscious intention journey was amazing. It was a magical experience and I  had many new very useful awarenesses during the journey.  Since the intention journey, I've noticed a new sense of lightness and freedom, like a weight of heaviness has lifted.  I highly recommend Grace's breathwork journeys... they are life changing. 

Mary Crawford

Energy Healer & Wellness Coach

"Breathwork was a concept that gave me chills - and not in a good way. I had experienced it once before in a crowded room lying on the cold floor with a pillow - listening to women around me crying, moaning, screaming.


And I couldn't do it.

Everything in me resisted following the directions. I pretended when coaches came around to see how I was doing - but I couldn't wait till it was over. 

Then I met Grace.

Her energy is so loving and real. I felt I could trust her.

Even though I was full of anxiety about what I was about to experience, I trusted Grace and allowed myself to go fully into the process. 

To say it was powerful is an understatement. 

It was a whole-body release of old fears and old beliefs that held my relationship with love, money and success in patterns of lack, limit and betrayal.

Days later I know I have changed. When I muscle test for certain old beliefs I get they are gone! 

I hope you give this a try. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised. I sure was!"

What Happens In a 9D Breathwork Session?

Rapid Configuration of the Mind & Body 

Breathwork helps not only release trauma and trapped emotions but also helps us to let go of old habits and shift belief patterns and structures. It's the fast track that cuts to the roots of what's causing lifelong issues of anxiety, stress, bad sleep, lack of energy, self-confidence, self-worth, and really any mental complex that we're struggling with—whether it's conscious or unconscious.

Cathartic Emotional Release 

Conscious connected breathing allows for the somatic release of all the repressed and suppressed emotions bottled up and trapped inside the body. In one of our in-person retreats, a woman had a mind-blowing release. She said it was the most powerful thing that she had ever experienced in her life and was able to let go of years worth of struggle bottled up inside of her body.

Creates a Shift in Awareness

That moment when we realize the problem was never actually the problem. The problem is our relationship to the problem. Our perception around it, the stories that we've cast around it, the beliefs that we have about it, using breathwork allows us to let go of the control patterns in our minds that dictate our life experiences. We start to see through a new lens. We start to experience more harmony and inner peace within ourselves. We begin to start taking more radical responsibility in our lives. We feel more energy. We feel more ready to make big changes and self-awareness gives us the power to take action.

Deactivation of The Default Mode Network (DMN)

The default mode network, is a group of brain structures or cells found in the same area of the prefrontal cortex. It connects parts of the brain’s thinking, decision-making, and interpretive functions, (which include the ability for self-reflection, mental projection, and past and future thoughts get us into trouble) and the ability to interpret ourselves with more objectivity.

Transient Hypofrontality 

Decreased blood flow and electrical activity in the DMN. When activity slows, the ego temporarily vanishes and the usual boundaries we experience between ourselves and the world around us melt away. (Otherwise known as ”Flow State”) Think of it like this: if your brain is a bank, this is like getting access to the key to the locked vault.

A Spiritual Experience

We’re spiritual beings having a human experience. But that isn’t necessarily connected to religion, we’re talking about your essence, your “breath” (the Sanskrit word for “spirit”). When doing breathwork, many people report feeling connected to something greater, beyond space and time. It triggers positive emotions like love, joy, bliss, feelings of kindness and oneness, and a deep sense of meaning and purpose.

What Are the 9 Dimensions of this Unique Breathwork Experience?

Make This Your Weekly Habit!
Register To Join 
The Next Subconscious Reprograming Journey

Accelerate Your Personal Power Privately at Home On Zoom 

  • Each Journey will guide you to reprogram your subconscious so your deepest unconscious beliefs support your dreams and goals.
  • Mondays at 12 pm EST
  • First Timers Arrive 30 Minutes Early for Orientation  
  • Arrive 15 Minutes Early for Customized Intention Setting Coaching 
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About Grace Mosgeller

The Chakra Clearing Angel

Trusted Mindset Mentor, Spiritual Coach & Energy Healer

Grace guides people to unleash their personal power, achieve major goals, and transform lives into greater happiness, and prosperity through innovative Life Mastery & Mindset techniques like 9D Breathwork, Inner Child Healing, Theta State Subconscious Reprogramming, and Energy Healing.

Specializing in empowering strong independent women, she offers a path to unleash your full potential and change the trajectory of your future, with business, relationships, financial abundance, and sacred self-care. 

"I found the more I sought to understand and heal the relationship with my difficult adult child, my distant mom, and toxic, narcissistic father, I up-leveled my sense of self-respect, and self-esteem, and became happier and more empowered to expand my business and uplevel my lifestyle."

"Not only did I bring my family closer together, my adult children upgraded their happiness and success factor too."

Schedule a spiritual goal-setting call with me today if you are struggling with self-sabotage and not happy or thriving.


COPYRIGHT  2024        303-903-4936

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