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Live Coaching & Healing Programs 

1-1 private coaching with energy healing is the fastest, most efficient and effective way to uplevel your power to scale your business and most important relationships with simplicity and flow.   Working with me one-on-one will support you to become empowered with unshakable levels of self confidence, unwavering belief yourself and your mission and open you to the connection and intimacy that leads to true wealth and abundance. 

To find out if working with me privately is something right for you, I invite you to book a Soul Personality Assessment Call with me to find out!  I hope to see you in my zoom room soon! 

2 Programs to Radically Deepen Your Spiritual Journey

  • Divine Feminine Power Activation and Integration. 
    Immerse yourself for 6 months of 1-1 soul empowerment coaching and energy healing that results in high level Divine Feminine  Empowerment.
    You'll integrate higher self qualities of your soul
    and power archetypes so they become automatic unconscious competence for you. You'll also enjoy a systematic consciousness cleanse of your 7 chakras and 5 spiritual centers, opening your to amazing levels of vital energy, clarity and passion. .  

  • Money-Love-Power Activation and Integration -  Spend 2 - 3 hour days immersed in high level healing to activate and integrate the sacred relationships you have with your soul self, love, money and power.  Expect to triple belief in yourself and scale your business with simplicity and flow. 

About Grace Mosgeller

The Chakra Clearing Angel

Trusted Mindset Mentor, Spiritual Coach & Energy Healer

Grace guides people to unleash their personal power, achieve major goals, and transform lives into greater happiness, and prosperity through innovative Life Mastery & Mindset techniques like 9D Breathwork, Inner Child Healing, Theta State Subconscious Reprogramming, and Energy Healing.

Specializing in empowering strong independent women, she offers a path to unleash your full potential and change the trajectory of your future, with business, relationships, financial abundance, and sacred self-care. 

"I found the more I sought to understand and heal the relationship with my difficult adult child, my distant mom, and toxic, narcissistic father, I up-leveled my sense of self-respect, and self-esteem, and became happier and more empowered to expand my business and uplevel my lifestyle."

"Not only did I bring my family closer together, my adult children upgraded their happiness and success factor too."

Schedule a spiritual goal-setting call with me today if you are struggling with self-sabotage and not happy or thriving.



Grace@gracemosgeller.com.        303-903-4936

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