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Sacred Self Care Set 

3 Guided Healing Meditations that gently transform your subconscious mindset to reduce stress, help you sleep better, become a better receiver of good and support your soul's purpose 

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/796146765?h=f8d9a5a53a&amp;app_id=122963" width="426" height="240" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen title="SACRED SELF CARE"></iframe>

Step Into Becoming the Empowered Author of Your Own Life with these simple sacred self care rituals that help you override automatic subconscious habits. Support your soul aligned intentions to stay Focused in Faith, reduce stress, sleep better, receive love, money and success at higher levels, and activate the Soul Purpose Energy Centers in your body.

MEDITATION ONE: This Sacred Self Healing Meditation that guides you to stop your busy mind from spinning in your head and draw out your inner wisdom by connection with the natural inner peaceful glow we all have resting in our heart space.  Practicing over time will grow your inner glow,strengthen your connection with Source and hold you steadfast in calm certainty during times of stress and doubt.

MEDITATION TWO:  The Sacred Connection Activation Meditation is great for overgivers who have a difficult time receiving.  Letting the words of the meditations guide your subconscious to open your sacred receiving channels so you feel good about being replenished, safe and respected.  This entry level receiving meditation feels like a massage for your soul that calms your mind, and widens your channel of allowing more stress free abundance into your life.  

MEDITATION THREE:  The  Soul Purpose Activation Meditation activates your soul's sacred energy centers that pretty much magically awakens you to become aware of what you really want for yourself, your business and most important relationships .  Become clearer about your messaging, more confident in your speaking and enrollment calls and connected with your ideal customers.  . . .  It's really good energetic self care!

 Watch the video to find out more, or Get Started Right Away!

Only $77


  • Sacred Self Healing Meditation- Hold steadfast in Calm Focused Certainty when confronted by a busy mind, doubt, distractions, overwhelm and other resistances.
  • Sacred Connection Activation Meditation - Activate your Sacred Receiving Channels to allow and embrace sacred receiving so that you can expand within yourself solid feelings of true abundance.
  • Soul Purpose Activation Meditation - To Jumpstart motivation with deeper clarity, understanding and passion of your soul's sacred mission of business impact and wealth.


About Grace Mosgeller

The Chakra Clearing Angel

Trusted Mindset Mentor, Spiritual Coach & Energy Healer

Grace guides people to unleash their personal power, achieve major goals, and transform lives into greater happiness, and prosperity through innovative Life Mastery & Mindset techniques like 9D Breathwork, Inner Child Healing, Theta State Subconscious Reprogramming, and Energy Healing.

Specializing in empowering strong independent women, she offers a path to unleash your full potential and change the trajectory of your future, with business, relationships, financial abundance, and sacred self-care. 

"I found the more I sought to understand and heal the relationship with my difficult adult child, my distant mom, and toxic, narcissistic father, I up-leveled my sense of self-respect, and self-esteem, and became happier and more empowered to expand my business and uplevel my lifestyle."

"Not only did I bring my family closer together, my adult children upgraded their happiness and success factor too."

Schedule a spiritual goal-setting call with me today if you are struggling with self-sabotage and not happy or thriving.



Grace@gracemosgeller.com.        303-903-4936

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