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The Divine Feminine 


A FREE 5 Day Spiritual Healing & Transformation Challenge to help you uplevel your business, your relationhips and your life. 

Heart Centered Women

Are You Tired of Putting Up With Disrespectful, Distant or Difficult Relationships ?

Are you settling for less somewhere in your life? 

Do you wish you were treated with more understanding, kindness and caring?

Do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells and give up what you want around some people, just so you can get along? 

Are you WORRIED or FRUSTRATED with your adult children because they don't listen to your wisdom and accept more of you help?

If you resonated with any of these statements and are ready to heal difficult relationships you need to join this 5 Day Challenge . . . and uplevel your business and life at the same time!

How You Will Be Challenged 

DAY ONE: Set your intentions and seek to understand the sources of traumatizing behaviors from a "higher" point of view.
VIP's - Stay after for a Soul Purpose Activation Healing 

DAY TWO: Release Anger & Sadness and re-claim self respect & self confidence that takes the "kick me" sign off your back. 

VIP's stay after for a 2nd chakra "Emotional Healing"

DAY THREE: Find Forgiveness & free yourself from unwanted patterns of lack, limit and painful relationships

VIP's stay after for a 4th chakra "Heart Healing"

DAY FOUR: Begin to Trust Love Again by opening yourself to fearless vulnerability. 

VIP's stay after for a "Heart Chakra Rebuilding" Healing

DAY FIVE: Set Soul Aligned Intentions that support your Greater Outer Wealth goals. 

VIP's Stay after for an "Intention Birthing" Healing

If you are DONE feeling frustrated, powerless or angry about difficult relationships and secretly sad that you are not having close connected happy and loving relationships that are cooperative, supportive and make your heart sing, and are ready to finally to do the inner work to change that, 

Then join my 5day challenge, so you can up-level self respect, self worth and deservingness and begin empowering yourself to uplevel your business and life. 

You can have it all ... the money, the relationships and the lifestyle you've always wanted but didn't know how to get.  

The Divine Feminine

Relationship Repair 5 Day Challenge

The 3rd Monday- Friday of the Month

Register Now 

Upgrade to VIP and get group coaching & healing after everyday of the challenge.  Upgrade after your register 

 Day One 

Seek to Understand

The Sacred Art of understanding relationships is an opportunity to turn judgments and fears into compassion for yourself and difficult life companions that can open the doorway for healing to occur. 

 Day Two 

Release Anger & Sadness

Releasing Anger and the sadness underneath it opens you to realize what you truly deserved.  A mindset method will help you integrate upgraded boundaries of self respect and self esteem. 

 Day Three 

 Find Forgiveness & Free Yourself 

Forgiveness doesn't take the other person off the hook . . . Karma takes care of them.  Forgiveness frees you from repeating patterns of disrespect, betrayal and hardship and opens you to have prosperous relationships that feel good 

 Day Four 

Trust Love Again

Experience a guided mindset meditation to open you to feel safe being vulnerable and expressing your true authentic self, without fear of rejection, harm, abandonment or guilt.   Open yourself to receive love, heap & support.

 Day Five 

Set Soul Aligned Intentions

Finish the challenge strong with a set of soul aligned intentions designed to focus your mind, body and spirit on the outcomes that support you. 

Are You Ready to Stop Settling for Less & Trust Love Again? 

Uplevel Your Business, Relationships & Lifestyle

 Join the Challenge Now 

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Upgrade to VIP in the email after checkout to get group coaching & an healing after every day of the challenge. 


Grace Mosgeller

Soul Purpose Coach & Energy Healer

Repairing relationships at work, at home, with your family and friends I believe is the key to True Wealth and Abundance.  

When you heal relationships, all of a sudden cooperation and teamwork replace disrespect and resistance.  Life becomes easier, more enjoyable and a lot happier.   You create memories that you are grateful for and proud of . . . and you open yourself to make more money and live the lifestyle YOU want.

When you heal relationships you won't have to distance yourself from difficult family members or friends forever. 

- You can learn how to build strong energetic boundaries of self respect that take the "kick me" sign off your back. 

- You can learn to trust yourself, people and love again. 

- You can contribute to the healing of humanity that is in dire need of understanding, compassion and forgiveness. 

- You can speed up the evolution of your soul. 

"You need to grow and expand the relationship you have with yourself, to create real changes in the relationships with those around you.   As you align with your soul, and hold steadfast with timeless spiritual principles you expand into a deeper, more intimate, more authentic connection with yourself, with personal relationships, with money, and with success."

It's a win win win way of living and prospering.

"Grace is a natural speaker, mentor and educator. She has such passion for those she speaks to and for the topics she speaks about. She would make a great addition to any conference or event."

Katrina Sawa - Jumpstart Your Business Coach 

"Grace will guide you to the true source of what is holding you back. Her love and commitment to help you with your goal, will get you there! Thank you Grace.""

  Mary Miller -  Doorways to Healing Intuitive Psychic 

"My flower truck business blossomed from a part time hobby to a full blown profitable business that i am getting ready to sell."

  Shirley Braune - CEO of The Flower Truck 

"Grace has a unique style of energy healing that nurtured my ability to get out of my head and into my heart including specific approaches for my business."

  Bonnie Chomica - The Creation Mentor

"For the women who have already done the deep self mastery work, Grace Mosgeller fills in the blind spots with grace and ease.    Thank you Grace, your soul purpose coaching and emotional healings  has really made a difference in my life. I wish I knew you 5 years ago!."

  Laura Ann Garris  - Life Refresh Coach 

About Grace Mosgeller

Relationship Repair Specialist 

I've been on the path of spiritual healing and transformation for over 27 years.  Along the way, I've evolved from being a high achieving empathic-brain centered powerhouse who secretly carried hidden feelings of being lost, powerless and frustrated  I always found that I had to settle for less than I truly desired.. . .until the day spiritual healing and transformation finally opened me to accept myself as LOVABLE.

My hero's journey has made me passionate about helping high achieving influential women create their version of heaven on earth using soul aligned spiritual principles of relationships, wealth and health. 

I believe that true wealth and abundance stems from a high vibration of certainty & belief that you are lovable as your true amazing and imperfect self. 

Once you believe you are lovable in your central nervous system, you allow yourself to BELIEVE that you are worthy and deserving of having EVERYTHING  you desire.

When you BELIEVE your are worthy and deserving, that is when your heart centered and soul aligned intentions, affirmations and strategic actions will bring you the results you want. 

I've taken the wisdom of universal spiritual principles, several life mastery, energy healing & manifestation trainings and certifications along with the school of hard knocks helping myself and my clients to create simple, gentle and wildly effective methods of personal growth, soul evolution that deepen belief in yourself, your value and your power to create real life passion, and manifest real life change.




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